The page contains the resort operating and reserves budgets and property taxes (and the resulting annual member dues) for Disney’s Hilton Head Island (HHI) for 2017. First up is a pie chart showing the components of the 2017 operating costs.
Then, I breakdown the overall budget into operating budget, capital reserves budget, and property taxes. Of particular interest to DVC members are the various cost components, as that (along with property taxes) drives what we pay in dues.
You will notice a new Developer Loan line item for 2017. Disney Vacation Development has made a loan to the Condo Association to fund repairs related to Hurricane Matthew in the amount of $750,000, which is the estimated amount not covered under its insurance policy due to the deductible. This loan will accrue interest at 1.33% per year compounded monthly and will be repaid by the Association in monthly installments over the next five years beginning January 1, 2017. The Association will make approximately $155,126 in payments on this loan in 2017.
Hilton Head Island 2017 Operating Costs

Hilton Head Island Budget Components